Last year I came across
Amy Powers webzine "Inspired Ideas". I fell in love with the publication instantly and told my husband Doug "one day I would love to have one of my projects in that magazine". Well that day has come sooner than I imagined. Today Amy released "The Happy Birthday" issue and I have not one but two of my projects featured. I am so overwhelmed and so grateful to be included. I thank Amy from the bottom of my heart for giving me this opportunity. It is one of the most beautiful crafting publications I have ever seen.
Here is a sneak peak of my projects:
"A Pocket Full of Wishes" - a birthday card holder

"Fringe Benefits" - a crepe paper fringe tutorial

More photos of my projects and instructions on how to make them yourself can be found in the magazine. Click
here or on the magazine image at the top of my post to buy your own copy. The projects and photography in this issue are breathtaking. You will be inspired beyond your wildest dreams. Amy and her staff have outdone themselves once again! Happy reading!
Love, Molly
Molly this was an awesome article! Great job! So lovely!