We had a great day today. Lilly and Doug and I spent the day with my grandparents and my mom and dad. We went to my Dandaddy's (grandfather) church together and then had lunch. After lunch we looked through my Mom's old scrapbooks from jr. high and high school. Mom and Dad grew up together so it was great to see pictures and momentos from their past, times they shared together as kids. That is pretty amazing to me. Another amazing experience from the day was getting to read some of the letters my Dandaddy wrote to his mother from his ship during World War II. They were unbelievable. I couldn't put them down. So much feeling and so much history in those letters. Many of them were written during Christmas time. I can't imagine my grandfather and all those other U.S. soldiers having to spend Christmas on a beach in the South Pacific in the midst of war. We owe so much to veterans.
When I got home I snapped some pictures of my living room and dining room to share with you. I love the "twinkly bright" feeling of the rooms. I use lots of gold, glitter, snow and vintage glass bead garlands.

Christmas Blessings to all, Molly
P.S. I went to breakfast at my church Saturday morning and we had an amazing speaker. She read this verse to us:
"I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said." Then the angel left her.
This is the response Mary had when the angel came to tell her she would have a baby named Jesus. Can you imagine hearing this kind of news? How would you or I react? She did not question God. Her immediate response was to serve him. What an amazing example of faith she is. This really touched me and this verse will be in my heart this Christmas season.
Your home is so lovely!