Lilly and I were at the mall a couple of days ago and Santa himself was already there! Can you believe that? He's been there for weeks already. Lilly did catch a glimpse of him and got a sparkle in her eye, but I sped by because it's not time for that yet! I went to Walmart the other day looking for Thanksgiving plates and napkins and there were none to be found. Where the fall decor once was (back in September), it was all Christmas. Last night was the Christmas light show and tree lighting here in town. We didn't go. It's not Christmas yet.
Lilly and I have been reading Thanksgiving books and talking about how important the holiday is for the past few weeks. I want my daughter to know that Thanksgiving is a very important holiday. What could be more important than being with family and thanking God for all of the blessings in our lives.
I know Thanksgiving is not a glitzy holiday and there are no presents and gobs of decorations and that is why the retailers want you to shove it to the back of your mind, but I urge you to put Christmas out of your mind for the next few days and focus on giving thanks.
I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving filled with family, love, and warm memories. Love, Molly
Stop dissin Christmas. We have had it out since the day after halloween! Now, I not saying that Thanksgiving is not important and all, but Christmas is just a litte more important. I do agree that stores put Christmas out too early this year. They could have waited until October to put it out. But its all about BUY, BUY, BUY. It amazes me how much people are buying, and we are supposed to be in a recession! Anyway, I guess I'll see you in a few days. Ya'll might have to stop buy my house (in Prairieville) after Nottoway(Which by the way, I dont know if you know, we are eating there the same time ya'll are). See you soon!