Okay, so I am obsessed with these little Halloween chenille stem creatures. They look so authentically vintage but I made them. A few months back I found the idea at
Vintage Image Craft and I couldn't wait to make them. Then I saw them again a couple of weeks ago at
MarthaStewart.com. I searched high and low for the orange and black bumpy chenille stems and could not find them locally so I ordered them online at
Crafts, etc. I got them only a few days after I ordered them. Crafts, etc. is very prompt. Anyway, I printed out some vintage pumpkin and cat heads and went to town making them. I've made about 20 so far for Halloween gift buckets and for my own Halloween tree and decor. I can't wait to make Christmas, Valentine, and Easter versions. Elves, cupids, Bunnies. How cute will they be? They are super easy to make so you really should try them. Just click on the links above for instructions and printable clip art to use for the faces.
Oh I LOVE mine! Thank you for them, I stole them from the kiddies buckets and put them on the shelf over my stove, the two punkin heads linked arm in arm.too cute! I know you wanna make me some kittie cats cuz they are AWESOME!!! Love how you wedged all the critters in the ancient fence fragment from the GARAGE SALE OF ALL GARAGE SALES. ha ha. I love you Girlfrehn. I think you are soooooo gifted and talented, if I have not told you lately. It was so good to spend time and laugh with you recently. You are so good for my soul and I love you so. Give the Liller a big smooch from me. xoxo Love, Critty