Have you guys seen these Martha Stewart pom poms around the blog/decor magazine/craft/party world lately? I have and I am in love with them. I am trying to think of a party I can do just to have these hanging around...
I don't know, maybe it's because I was a cheerleader, but I love pom poms. Give me pom poms in any form, plastic, tissue, yarn or other.

The tissue ones above make me think of my trips to Cypress Gardens as a child (I am a Florida Native). When I was a little girl they sold giant, tissue paper flowers on wooden dowels and my Mom bought me one on one of our visits there. I will never forget walking through the beautiful gardens, dreaming of being a "southern belle" and holding my pink pom pom flower.
*Here are the instructions for making the large tissue pom poms*
these are so cute! we used to make them out of kleenex (while the covered wagons were out of service) and would wipe a little bit of lipstick or cinnamon across the fronts to give them fragrence and to 'paint' them a little. 'course back then kleenex only came in 'white' so you had to use your noodle.