My best friend
Pepper (aka Christie, aka Girlfren) gave me this shadow box about 15 years ago. Believe it or not I had been wanting a large shadow box and she found this beauty at a garage sale for a song! When she first gave it to me it was lined in red velvet and I used it to display one of my old red and pink ballet costumes from when I was a little girl. After I was no longer using red in my decorating the shadow box got tucked away with intentions of relining it and filling it with something fabulous. Well it only took about 12 years and I finally did it! I am hosting "Jolie a Paris", an art party at my home in July so I am very inspired right now by all things Paris. I used the colors of my living and dining room for inspiration for the party and for my shadow box. I embellished the box with vintage lace, coffee stained paper doilies and crepe paper, crepe paper ruffles, vintage rhinestones, seam binding ribbon, silk flowers, vintage millinery and lots of GLITTER!

I purchased this image of Marie Antoinette

I am so happy to finally have it hanging in my living room!
Love to all, Molly
p.s. don't forget to click on images for a closer look ;)