I bought this book a few years ago at
Anthropologie. I have loved charm bracelets for a long time and when I saw this book I had to have it. Here is an excerpt from the synopsis of "Charmed Bracelets" over at
barnesandnoble.com : "There is something oh so adorable about a charm bracelet. Is it the jingle and jangle when the wearer moves around, or the fact that you have to get up close and personal to ogle over each quirky little charm? Laden with fond remembrances, tiny figurines, and sweet forget-me-
nots, a charm bracelet shows a woman’s history on her wrist."
My Mom still talks about the charm bracelet she had as a young girl in the 1960's, a popular time for charm bracelets. Two of her favorite charms were a typewriter eraser and a bust of President Kennedy. She remembers all of her charms even though sadly she lost hers some years back. I wish I could have seen it. My grandmothers wore charm bracelets. I actually have one of my Mimi's. It
includes a charm with her monogram and charms with pictures of my brother and I when we were little enclosed in glass with our
birth dates engraved in silver on the back.
I received my first charm bracelet when I was 16 years old. My Mom and Dad gave it to me for Valentine's Day. What a treat! It had one charm on it, a heart with my monogram on one side and the date on the other, 2-14-92. I added to the bracelet for years. I would buy charms on trips or get them as gifts. It is such a joy to collect charms. It is so fun to tell others the meaning behind each charm and where it came from.
My First Charm Bracelet from Mom and Dad

The Brighton bracelet my husband gave me for Mother's Day. I fell in love with this bracelet because it reminded my a ladybug pin that belonged to my Mom and was worn by my Mimi when I was little (the lady bug pin is in the center). I wish the picture did it justice. It is amazing.

My latest purchase. It is made by a company called "Realities". I picked it up at
Beall's Outlet for a mere $3.99! The original tag was still on it and read $50.00. I swear! I thought when I went to check out they were going to tell me there had been some mistake. It was
definitely the bargain of the century for me. The suitcase with travel labels opens up and there is an enamel bikini, flip flops and sunglasses. The genie bottle opens, the globe spins, the hula girl has a
chain link skirt that shakes, and the travel log (next to the globe) opens and has a place for two tiny photos. The details on this bracelet are unbelievable. I can't wait to wear it.
I hope I have inspired you to start a charm bracelet of your own. I have to warn you, it is addictive :) Have fun!